Mariana Guemez
Last month, Mariana brought the hot vibes from Mexico to Motion.
Let’s find out a little bit more about her.
Chloe: Hola Mariana, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Mariana: Hola, my name is Mariana, I am 21 years old and I am from Mexico. I am a passionate person, a dreamer and a believer. Apart from cycling, I am also a singer, a songwriter and I play piano.
Chloe: How did you start as an instructor and why did you decide to become one?
Mariana: To be honest, I never imagined becoming an instructor. I never used to do a lot of sports when I was younger, I was really lazy. So, it was definitely a challenge for me.
I remember my first class… I was so obsessed with the instructor. I just knew I wanted to do this, I wanted to be there and take the mic, this is when I realized I needed this in my life. So, I worked a lot and after 5 months of intensive training I became an instructor!
I just love it so much you know, being in front of people, the music, it’s just incredible.
Mariana Güémez
Chloe: You said you are also a singer and a writer… Has your passion for music influenced the way you ride?
Mariana: Yes, definitely, because for me, the music is everything on the bike. When you’re doing your playlist, you have to listen to the music, you have to know the BPMs and all that stuff; and I think that’s the easy part for me. If you want to be an instructor you have to listen to the music perfectly, it’s so important, I would say it’s 50% of the class and it takes me around 3-4 hours to do a playlist.
Chloe: Why do you think indoor cycling has become so popular?
Mariana: I think that it’s because you are in the dark and you can express yourself without no one watching you. You know, I think a lot of people are shy to exercise in front of people. And I would say for the music as well – it’s like you’re dancing, the energy, and the dark place. Indoor cycling is really incredible and has changed a lot of lives.
The indoor cycling community is incredible, it feels like a family and the people are so loyal.
Mariana Güémez
Chloe: Were you scared before coming here?
Mariana: Yes, I was so scared. I was actually about to say no, I was like no way… Dubai?
I was scared of being alone, new people, new city, it was my first time in Dubai so I was really anxious. But right now, I don’t want to go home.
Chloe: How was your first class at Motion?
Mariana: My first class was unbelievable, I didn’t expect that and it’s something that I am going to remember for the rest of my life. I was so scared and shaking – I remember telling them if you don’t understand me just follow me, follow the music, follow the moves. – but it was really awesome.
Motion in 3 words? Passion, work and happiness.
Mariana Güémez
Chloe: How did you enjoy your first stay in Dubai?
Mariana: I LOVE DUBAI! I didn’t know about Dubai before coming here, I thought it was different but it’s incredible. The people, the city, all the lights, everything… Everyone is so nice and incredible here. I really love the people here; they always have a smile on their face. Honestly, this is the best place in the world: the safety, the people, the city… everything is incredible here and I am definitely coming back!
Chloe: What advice would you give to a beginner?
Mariana: It will be intense, but don’t be afraid. You have to keep showing up because your first class is going to be so hard and so difficult, but you have to keep trying and believing in yourself in the class.
Every person is different but listen to the music, follow the instructor and flow with the energy in the room.
Chloe: You’re very active on Instagram, does it play a huge part in your career?
Mariana: I am obsessed with Instagram, I love it. I am in Dubai thanks to Instagram, 100%. It’s so important for my work. Amelie had no idea how I used to teach classes, but she saw my instagram, sent me a message and here I am. I think it’s so important to share your work with the people, with the world.
Chloe: What is your next goal?
Mariana: Dubai was a really big challenge for me and now that I have done it, I feel ready for everything. But I would say using my own songs in my class… that would be my next goal!
Chloe: What did you take away from this experience?
Mariana: A lot of things, but most importantly that I can do everything I want. You know, when you do the things with your heart you can go so far, so far away from home.
There’s no secret. You have to dedicate the time, train a lot and love music. But, the most important thing is to believe in yourself all the time.
Mariana Güémez
Chloe: What’s your motto in life?
Mariana: I have two. Love yourself first, always. And the second one is in Spanish but in English it would be something like no one has ever regretted being brave.
Chloe: One last word?
Mariana: I am so happy to be here in Dubai, so grateful for everything. It’s been incredible and an amazing experience. My heart will always be with you.